Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law No. 2/2022


Nebojša Macanović

Faculty of political science, Banja Luka

Milica Pajić

Center for modern knowledge, Banja Luka

Received: 21 January 2022

Accepted: 16 March 2022

UDK: 343.91-053.6(497.6)

Pages: 149-165


Juvenile delinquency is a serious problem today due to its negative social, emotional, physical and economic consequences that are present in communities in modern society. The study of juvenile delinquency is of particular importance to society because juvenile offenders are increasingly continuing their criminal activities as adults. Through the study of the scope, structure and dynamics of youth delinquency, the success of the implementation of social policy towards young people in general can be monitored. The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between juvenile offenders, who are on the maintenance of an educational measure of sending to a correctional facility, and criminal offense they committed and the sanction imposed. These data can be important indicators for the creation and implementation of institutional re-education, as well as the process of resocialization. The research also presented data on the number of juvenile offenders in the Republika Srpska who were sentenced to an educational measure of sending them to an educational-correctional home, as well as institutions for the execution of this sanction. The results of the research indicate that the attitude of juvenile offenders towards the committed crime and the imposed sanction is an important indicator for creating an individualized program of re-educational work with juveniles and their resocialization in general. Also, through the answers of juveniles and their attitude towards the crime, we saw an increasingly pronounced criminogenic infection of juvenile offenders, as well as a disturbed value system.

KEY WORDS: juvenile delinquents, criminal offense, educational measure, resocialization, correctional facility

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