Institute of Criminological
and Sociological Research

Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est...

Ivana Stevanović PhD


Senior Research Fellow


Ivana Stevanović, PhD is a Senior Research Fellow and director of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research. She graduated at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law in 1991. She obtained her Master’s degree at the same faculty, with the topic “Specific characteristics of criminal procedure for juvenile offenders in comparison to the general one”. She obtained her PhD degree at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law with the topic “Protection of juveniles in criminal law” in 2008.

She started her career in 1992 as Research Assistant at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research. She became Research Fellow in 2009 and in 2015 she obtained the title Senior Research Fellow in the field of social studies – law, which is her current title. She was re-selected for the same title in 2020.

Ivana Stevanović, PhD, has more than 30 years of working experience at national and international research projects, with special expertise in the filed of child’s rights, especially in the field of child friendly justice and the rights of children as both – victims and perpetrators of criminal offences. She has a long-term experience in the development of scientific research methodology, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, particularly in the context of international standards application in the field of the rights of the child and their implementation within national normative and institutional framework.

She is one of the founders and the member of Bord of Directors of Victimology Society of Serbia, and between 1997 and 2006 she was the vice-president of this association. She was the president of Child’s Rights Centre (2008/2019) and the member of Child’s Rights Council of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Child’s Rights Council of Belgrade (2014/2018), Council for the monitoring and improvement of the functioning of criminal justice bodies and enforcement of criminal sanctions for juveniles (2009/2013) and Child’s Rights Council of Ombudsman (2010/2013).

Selected Bibliography

Srna, J., Stevanović, I. (2011) "Serbia: Moving towards Prevention of Physical Punishment of Children (Chapter 17)", in: Durant, J. E; Smith, A. B. (ed.) Realizing the Rights of the Children: Global Progress towards Ending Physical Punishment Realizing Children’s Rights, New York: Routledge (simultaneously published in UK), str. 222-233, ISBN13: 978-0-415-87920-0 (hbk), ISBN13: 978-0-203-83968-3 (ebk).

Jugović, A., Pejaković, LJ., Stevanović, I. (2013) Mesto za mene (deca na hraniteljstvu u Srbiji), Beograd: Centar za prava deteta, ISBN 978-86-83109-59-3, dostupno na sajtu:

Stevanović, I. (2014) Deca koja čekaju, Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka sitraživanja, ISBN 978-86-83287-74-1.

Stevanović, I. (2014) Moje pravo da budem zaštićen, Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka sitraživanja, ISBN 978-86-83287-77-2

Stevanović, I. (2014) „Novo prekršajno zakonodavstvo i položaj maloletnih učinioca prekršaja“, str. 101-106, u: Kron, L. (ur) Prestup i kazna: de lege lata et de lege ferenda, Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, ISBN 978-86-83287-78-9, COBISS.SR.ID 207548684.

Stevanović, I. (2014) „Krivičnopravni sistem i zaštita maloletnih lica (nacionalni normativni aspekt)“, str. 30-42, u: Vučković Šahović, N. i dr., Zaštita dece žrtava i svedoka krivičnih dela, Beograd: International Management Group – IMG, ISBN 978-86-83927-73-9.

Stevanović, I. (2014) „“Unapređenje izvršenja vaspitne mere posebne obaveze“ u: Ilić, G. (ur.) Reforma krivičnog prava (zbornik radova), Beograd: Udrženje javnih tužilaca i zamenika javnih tužilaca Srbije, str. 352-367, ISBN 978-86-83437-99-3.

Pavićević, O., Stevanović, I. (2015) "Rizična ponašanja dece i mladih - rizik i otpornost" u: Stevanović, I. (ur) Maloletnici kao učinioci i kao žrtve krivičnih dela i prekršaja, Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, str. 293-308, ISBN 978-86-83287-85-7, COBISS.SR.ID 215317516.

Banić, M., Stevanović, I. (2015) Zaštita dece žrtava u krivičnim postupcima i stanje u praksi u Republici Srbiji, str. 9-44, u: Stevanović, I. (ur.) Kako do pravosuđa po meri deteta. Beograd: Centar za prava deteta, 293-308, ISBN 978-86-83109-64-7, COBISS.SR.ID 214515724, dostupno na sajtu:
Olivera Pavićević PhD

Senior Research Fellow


Olivera Pavićević was born on December 11, 1964, in Belgrade, where she completed her elementary and high school education. She graduated in 1989 from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. In 2008, she earned her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, with a dissertation titled „The Negative Social Hero“. Since 1995, she has been employed at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade. She was appointed as a Research Associate in August 2008 and reappointed in 2013. In 2023, she was promoted to Senior Research Associate. Her areas of expertise include cultural criminology, the concepts of resilience and social capital, theories of masculinity, and research on prison life quality. She has published numerous academic papers and monographs in these fields.

Selected Bibliography
Hajdana Glomazić PhD

Research Fellow


Hajdana Glomazić was born in 1970 in Nikšić. She earned her bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade, in the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy. She has worked at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research since October 2013, and was promoted to the rank of Research Associate in June 2016, with reappointment in May 2021.

She combines several fields in her study, examining human resources, mental health, and adult education with an emphasis on gender perspectives. She also looks at how the media shapes public opinion and societal viewpoints, as well as how it affects how crime and violence are perceived. Throughout her career, she held positions as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Business Studies, an associate professor at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Philosophy, and eventually an associate professor at the Academy for Diplomacy and Security. In addition to her academic engagement, she is a licensed systemic family psychotherapist with a long-standing private practice, contributing to the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of mental health.

She is co-owner of a consulting company focused on education and counseling, creating a synergy between scientific research and practical application. This connection between academic knowledge and practical solutions is highlighted in her numerous projects and engagements in initiatives of the European Union, international organizations, and non-governmental associations.

She is the author of numerous scientific papers published in domestic and international journals, and she actively participates in scientific conferences. She is a member of several professional associations, both in Serbia and abroad.

Selected Bibliography
Ana Batrićević PhD

Principal Research Fellow


Ana Batrićević was born in Belgrade in 1985. She graduated at University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in 2009. She obtained her PhD degree at University of Niš Faculty of Law in 2012 on the topic “Protection of Animals in Criminal Law” (mentor: Professor Dragan Jovašević, PhD).

She is employed at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research since 2009. She became Research Associate in 2011, Research Fellow in 2013, Senior Research Fellow in 2018 and Principal Research Fellow in 2024.

Her primary research areas include: resocialisation of convicted persons throughout the enforcement of prison sentence, with special focus on innovative approaches to their rehabilitation and social reintegration with the purpose to prevent recidivism, environmental protection from negative anthropogenic impacts in the context of the right to healthy environment as well as the prevention of discrimination of marginalised groups.

Within her work, she provides insight into the aforementioned fields in an innovative way – through the application of documentary photography as a research method while working with convicted persons for the purpose of resocialisation, as well as while exploring various environmental and other socially engaged topics. As a member Photo Association of Serbia, she has participated in several collective and individual photography exhibitions.

She is the author and co-author of ten books, a larger number of papers published in domestic and foreign scientific journals and reports presented on national and international academic conferences.

Selected Bibliography

Batrićević, A., Batanjski, V.: Zaštita životinja u Srbiji-kaznenopravni i ekološki aspekti, Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 2014., 231 str, UDK 343502.211(497.11) ISBN 978-86-83287-79-6, COBISS:SR-ID 209797388 M42=5

Batrićević, A.: Zaštita životinja u međunarodnom pravu, Beograd : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2013, 230 str., ISBN 978-86-83287-70-3 UDK 502.211:592/599 UDK 179.3 UDK 351.765 COBISS.SR-ID 203032588 M42=5

Batrićević, A.: Zabrana diskriminacije u pravu Evropske unije, Evropsko zakonodavstvo, vol. 11, br. 42/2013, str. 9-36., ISSN:1451-3188 UDK: 361.647.82:001.6 COBISS.SR-ID 183321351 M51=3

Batrićević, A.: Krivično – pravna reakcija na zlostavljanje životinja u Kraljevini Švedskoj, Strani pravni život br. 2/2012, str. 378 – 394., UDK: 351.765(485) ISSN: 0039-2138 COBISS.SR-ID 86244103 M51=3

Batrićević, A.: Deca i zlostavljanje životinja – kriminološki, viktimološki i krivičnopravni aspekti, Temida, vol. 14. br. 3/2011, str. 57 – 77., UDK 343.98, ISSN: 1450-6637, DOI: 10.2298/TEM1103057B M51=3
Janko Međedović PhD

Senior Research Fellow


Janko Međedović was born on June 10, 1981 in Užice, Serbia. After completing his studies in Psychology in 2007 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, he moved to Belgrade where he received his PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade under the mentorship of Dr. Goran Knežević in 2014.

Since 2008, he has participated in the work of the Petnica Research Station as an associate lecturer. Throughout 2009 and 2010 he worked at the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica as a teaching assistant. In 2010 he started working at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research where he currently thrives as an associate researcher. Furthermore, he teaches at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, with the title of an assistant professor. During 2012 and 2013 he has worked as a lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšić. Since 2015, he is a Serbian representative at the ENCORE project (European Network of Conflict Research).

So far, he participated in two projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development: "Prevention of crime and social deviation" (project no. 149096) and "Crime in Serbia: phenomenology, risks and opportunities of social intervention" (project no. 47011).

Apart from having presented several dozen of papers at both national and international scientific conferences he has also published twelve scientific papers in national and international journals including Psychology, Applied Psychology, Themes, Sociology, Horizons of Psychology and Proceedings of the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research.

His current research interests mainly include psychology of individual differences (psychopathy, schizotypy, personality traits), social psychology (social attitudes, intergroup conflict) and the application of statistical methods in psychological research.

Selected Bibliography

Međedović, J. (2014). Should the space of basic personality traits be extended to include the disposition toward psychotic-like experiences? Psihologija, 47, 169-184.

Međedović, J., & Petrović, B. D. (2013). Predictors of party evaluation in post-conflict society: The case of Serbia. Psihologija, 46, 27-43.

Međedović, J., Kujačić, D., & Knežević, G. (2012). Personality-related determinants of criminal recidivism. Psihologija, 45, 277-294.

Međedović, J. (2012). Topography of Dishonesty: mapping the opposite pole of Honesty-Humility personality domain. Primenjena psihologija, 5, 115-135.

Međedović, J. (2012). Da li je Amoralnost šesti faktor ličnosti? Zbornik instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 30, 7-31.
Milica Kolaković Bojović PhD

Senior Research Fellow


Milica Kolaković-Bojović, PhD was born on February 17, 1984 in Belgrade. She holds a PhD in criminal law and procedure from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law.

In 2008-2009 she was employed as a research assistant in the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research. From 2009 to 2012 she was a teaching associate at the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. Since 2012, she has been employed at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (since 2021 senior research fellow, 2017-2021 research fellow, 2012-2017 research associate).

Since July 2017, in the capacity of an independent expert, Milica Kolaković-Bojović has been a member, and since 2019 the Vice President of the UN Committee for Enforced Disappearances as well as the rapporteur in charge of drafting 1st General Comment on Enforced Disappearances in the Context of Migration, and the reprisal focal point.

Since 2021 she is a member of the Advisory Committee on nominations of Judges of the International Criminal Court.

In her professional career so far, Milica Kolaković-Bojović has been engaged as an expert in numerous scientific research and donor-funded projects in justice sector, supported and/or implemented by the OSCE, Council of Europe, European Union, World Bank, UNICEF, UNOPS, UNDP, UNODC, USAID, GiZ, ADA, etc, both at the national and international level. She has also coordinated or participated in the development of more than 40 public policy documents in Western Balkan countries.

In addition to this, she was engaged in the Negotiating Structure of the Republic of Serbia with the EU from 2013 to 2018 (2013-2015 the coordinator of the drafting of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 and 2015-2018 the President of the Council for the Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23).

So far, she has published five books and more than 100 scientific conference papers, journal articles and book chapters.

In 2018-2022 she was an editor and editor in-chief of the Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law. She is a member of the Serbian Association for Criminal Law Theory and Practice.

In addition to Serbian as a mother tongue, she speaks English and possess a basic knowledge of French.

She is married and the mother of two sons.

Selected Bibliography

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2017/ Efficient Monitoring and Evaluation of Judicial Reform as a Way to Speed up Achieving the EU Standards, Police and Judiciary as guaranties of the liberty and security in the Rule of Law, Police Academy & Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Tara, pp. 139-148.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2017/ Strengthening Infrastructural Capacities of Judiciary as a Precondition for Efficiency of Criminal justice, Archibald Reis Days 2017, (in publishing).

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2016/ Completion of Criminal Proceedings within reasonable time, Doctoral dissertation, Belgrade.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2016/ Constitutional Provisions on Judicial Independence and EU Standards, Anali Pravnog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (Annals of the Faculty of law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review, Vol. LXIV, no. 3, 192-204.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2016/ Effect of multiple abolition of the first instance verdict on the length of criminal proceedings, Legal remedies in criminal proceedings/criminal legislations in the region and experiences in their implementation, (Bejatović, S. & Jovanović, I eds.) OSCE, Belgrade, pp. 271-283.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2016/ Effect of multiple abolition of the first instance verdict on the length of criminal proceedings, Legal remedies in criminal proceedings/criminal legislations in the region and experiences in their implementation, (Bejatović, S. & Jovanović, I eds.) OSCE, Belgrade, pp. 271-283.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2015/ Service of documents in the criminal proceedings: Efficiency in the gap between wishful thinking and bad habits Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, no. 2, pp. 113-122.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2015/ The efficiency of the criminal justice system as a mean of combating crime, Crime and society of Serbia: Challenges of the social disintegration and social regulation and preservation of the environment, pp. 237-254.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2014/ Efficiency of Criminal Proceedings, Judical Reform and Accession Negotiations with EU, Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, no. 2, pp. 189-201.

Kolaković-Bojović, M. /2013/ The right to legal defense of the accused and the efficiency of the criminal proceedings, Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, pp. 131-148.

Kolaković - Bojović, M. /2013/ Efficiency of Criminal Procedure- Do We Understand an Ideal to strive for? Crime, Public Reaction and Harmonization with European Standards, the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research, Palić, pp. 373-384.
Ljeposava Ilijić PhD

Senior Research Fellow


Ljeposava Ilijić, was born on February 7, 1981 in Trebinje, Republic of Serbian, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated from the Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, on Department for Prevention and Resocialization of Persons with Disorder in Social Behavior in 2004. and earned a graduate special educator. That same year, she enrolled in postgraduate master's studies at the Faculty of Special Education, Department for Prevention and Resocialization of Persons with disorder in Social Behavior, and in 2012 she defended her master's thesis entitled "Demographic, socio-psychological, criminological and penology properties convicted as factors of prison deprivation", mentor Ph. D. Snežana Soković, which gained the title of Master of Defectological Science.

University of Belgrade, approved the creation of a doctoral dissertation entitled "The Impact of education and vocational training to reduce the risk of recidivism with convicts", which was reported at the same university. Since November 2005, she was employed at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (rank-research associate).

She took part in the realization of projects of basic research in the field of social humanities: Crime Prevention and Social Deviation (No. 149016), 2006-2010., (Leader: Dr. M. Blagojević), and Crime in Serbia: Phenomenology, Risks and Opportunities of Social Intervention (No. 47011), 2011-2014 (Ph. D. Vladan Joldžić). Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research.

Her interests are directed towards the penological and criminological issues, problems of execution of imprisonment, and the treatment of prisoners.

Selected Bibliography

Ilijić, Lj. (2012). Stanje u kazneno-popravnim zavodima u Srbiji: prekobrojnost zatvorske populacije, Socijalna misao, Vol. 19. br.74. str.143-152.

Batrićević, A., & Ilijić, Lj. (2013). Imprisonment in Sweden, Normative Frameworks, Characteristics and Impact on recidivism, NBP-Journal of Criminalistics And Law, Vol. XVIII, No.2 Pg. 135-155.

Batrićević, A., & Ilijić, Lj. (2014). Health Care of Prisoners as a Crime Prevention Factor-General Standards and Conditions in Serbia. Archibald Reiss Days, Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies, Vol.1. pg. 441-451.

Ilijić, Lj. (2014). Osuđeni i deprivacije-uticaj karakteristika ličnosti na intenzitet doživlјavanja zatvorskih deprivacija. Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja. Beograd.

Ilijić, Lj. & Jovanić, G. (2014). Disciplinsko kažnjavanje osuđenih. Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja. Vol. XXXIII, Br. 2. str. 163-177. Beograd.
Jasmina Igrački PhD

Research Fellow


Jasmina Igrački, PhD, a Research Fellow, was born on April 10, 1972, in Pančevo. She graduated in 2009 from the International University of Novi Pazar, Faculty of Law, focusing on the topic of "Prevention of Organized Crime". In 2012, she defended her master's thesis at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, entitled "Communication Systems in Crisis Situations". She earned her PhD in 2019 from the Megatrend University, Faculty of Law, with a dissertation on "The Penitentiary System and Its Impact on the Change of Criminal Behavior among Offenders in the Republic of Serbia".

Jasmina commenced her career at the Institute for Criminal and Sociological Research in 2013 as a Research Associate and has become Research Fellow in 2019. Her primary research areas include criminal law, criminology, penology, juvenile delinquency and victimology.

Since her graduation in 2009, Jasmina has gained teaching experience at the International University of Novi Pazar, Faculty of Law, serving as a teaching assistant from 2012 to 2016. During this time, she taught courses in criminal law, criminology with penology, juvenile delinquency, social pathology and victimology.

Jasmina is the author of numerous articles published in both domestic and international scientific journals and actively participates in various national and international conferences.

She has been a dedicated volunteer since 2012 with the Volunteer Service of the municipality of Zvezdara in Belgrade, where she works closely with individuals with special needs, as well as children and the elderly, within the Office for Social Activities (social protection).

Jasmina is also a collaborator and member of the research team for a sports club focused on individuals with special needs (children), "Singidunum" in Belgrade.

Selected Bibliography

Igrački, J. (2012) “Individual treatment in the enforcement process of criminal sanctions”, Archibald Reiss Days, Criminalistics and police Studies in Belgrade, (thematic conference proceedings of international significance) str.435-446, UDC 343.85:343.261-052, 343.244; UDC (of the anthology) 343.9 (082), 343.85 (082) COBISS.SR-ID 192446220, ISBN978-86-7020-190-3

Igrački, J. (2012) “Uloga policije u prevenciji maloletničkog prestupništva” in: Kron, L. (ed.) Delikt, kazna i mogućnosti socijalne profilakse, Belgrade: Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research. pp 399-408, ISBN 978-86-83287-61-1

Igrački, J. (2013) “Penalty Reaction on child abuse in Serbia”, Internacional scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Criminalistics and police Studies in Belgrade, pp. 329-336, UDC: 343.28/.29:343.541(497.11) UDC (of the anthology) 343.9(082), 343.85(82), COBISS.Sr-id 202437388, ISBN 978-86-7020-190-3

Igrački, J. (2013) “Nasilničko ponašanje: krivičnopravni i kriminološki aspect”, Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, No. 2, Vol. XXXII, pp. 203-213, UDK (of the paper): 343.94/.97:343.343.3; 343.85:[343.343.3:796.093(497.11), UDK (of the journal) 343

Igrački, J. (2014) “Krivičnopravni i kriminološki aspekti nasilja i nasilničkog ponašanja” in Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, No. 1. Year XXXIII, pp.137-148, UDK (of the paper) 343.343.3, UDK (of the journal) 343
Vera Stanković PhD

Research Fellow


Vera Stanković was born in Zrenjanin on June 17, 1984. She attended primary school in Novo Miloševo and secondary school in Zrenjanin. She graduated in 2009 at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Department of Ecology, on the topic "Legal aspects of environmental protection, isolated examples at the local level (Municipality of Surčin)". She earned a PhD at the same faculty, module Biodiversity Protection, in 2018, on the thesis "Ecological study of invasive plant species on the Ramsar sites in Vojvodina". In 2014, she completed specialist studies in Environmental Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.

Since 2009, she has been employed at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research. From 2010 to 2013, she collaborated in teaching at the Department of Ecology and Geography of Plants, where she participated in the implementation of practical exercises on the subjects: Pollution and environmental protection and Man and the environment. She was appointed as a Research Associate in June 2019, and reappointed in May 2024.

Primary research areas, in which she achieved professional achievements are: environmental law, legal and practical environmental protection, biodiversity policy, research on invasive plant species, communities and invasibility. She has published many papers in these areas of research.

Selected Bibliography

Batanjski Vera (2011): „Uticaji ekologije na teorije o kriminalitetuˮ. Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 2011/Vol.XXX/1-2/307-316, ISSN 0350-2694.

Vladan Joldžić i Vera Batanjski (2012): „Integrisano upravlјanje hemikalijama u svim fazama životnog ciklusa i biološke reperkusije kršenja propisa”. Zbornik radova, IV CHYMICUS, 11.-14.jun 2012., Tara, Srbija, str. 170-176, ISBN 978-86-85013-10-2.

Batanjski Vera (2013): „Prevencija ekološkog kriminalitetaˮ. Poglavlje u monogrfiji: Prevencija kriminala i socijalnih devijacija – evropska i regionalna dobra praksa (Urednici: Blagojević M. i Stevanović Z.), Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, str. 307-315, ISBN 978-86-83287-66-6.

Batrićević Ana and Batanjski Vera (2013): „Air Quality in Urban Areas in Serbia: Current State and Legal Protectionˮ. III International Conference - Ecology of Urban Areas, 11 October 2013, Zrenjanin, Serbia, , pp. 58-67, ISBN 978-86-7672-210-5.

Batanjski Vera, Batrićević Ana, Radovančev Uroš i Joldžić Vladan (2014): „Ekonomski isplativa proizvodnja organske hraneˮ. "Ecologica" časopis, Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije "Ecologica", br. 74, str. 169-174, ISSN 0354-3285.

Batrićević Ana and Batanjski Vera (2014) „Zaštita životina u Srbiji - kaznenopravni i ekološki aspekti”. Monografija, Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, Srbija, 231 strana, ISBN 978-86-83287-79-6.
Milena Milićević PhD

Senior Research Fellow


Milena Milićević earned her PhD from the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the University of Belgrade, in the program of Defectology. Since 2012, she has been employed at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade, where she currently holds the position of Senior Research Associate (since March 30, 2022). Previously, she was a Research Associate (2017–2022), an Research Assistant (2013–2017), and a Junior Research Assistant (2012–2013). Her academic work encompasses the fields of criminology, penology, defectology, special education and rehabilitation, while she is also engaged in the cultural adaptation of measurement instruments, as well as pedagogical, psychological, and biomedical topics.

Her primary research interests include critical aspects of disability studies, particularly the participation of persons with disabilities, individual and family quality of life, as well as the position of marginalized groups in complex systems such as prisons. She is focused on the possibilities of longitudinal research and improving the quality of life of prisoners. As the Principal Investigator and lead researcher of the PrisonLIFE project (“Assessment and Possibilities for Improving the Quality of Prison Life of Convicted Persons in the Republic of Serbia: Criminological-Penological, Psychological, Sociological, Legal, and Security Aspects”), Milena leads a team investigating these aspects, with the project funded under the IDEAS program by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.

She has published papers in domestic and international journals, as well as presented at numerous academic conferences. She is the author of the nationally recognised monograph “Community Participation of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Serbia: Conceptual Considerations and Evaluation”. Since 2022, she has served as editor of the academic journal “Journal of the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research”, and since July 2023, she has been engaged as an assistant editor for the international journal “Child: Care, Health and Development”. She has also participated in significant research projects, including collaboration with the OSCE on the 2018 project “Analysis of the Application of Medical Security Measures in the Criminal Justice System of the Republic of Serbia”, and on the project “Crime in Serbia: Phenomenology, Risks, and Possibilities for Social Intervention”, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

Selected Bibliography

Ilijić, Lj., Milićević, M. & Pavićević, O. (2020). Approaches and methods in the quality of prison life assessing – Measuring social and moral climate in prisons. In G. Nedović & F. Eminović (Eds.), Approaches and models in special education and rehabilitation: thematic collection of international importance (pp. 85–96). Belgrade: University, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Publishing Center of the Faculty.

Ilijić, Lj., Milićević, M., & Vujičić, N. (2020). Characteristics of the population of persons with compulsory drug addiction treatment as a security measure in Serbia – regional overview. In M. Milićević & I. Stevanović (Eds.), Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / XXXII International scientific thematic conference “Drugs and drug addiction: legal, criminological, sociological and medical issues”, Palic, 2–3 September 2020 (pp. 405–425). Belgrade: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research.

Milićević, M., Ilijić, Lj., & Vujičić, N. (2019). Medical security measures: Criminal law framework and problems in practice. In I. Stevanović & N. Vujičić (Eds.), Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / XXXI International scientific thematic conference “Penal Law and Medicine”, Palic, 29–30th May 2019 (pp. 161–180). Belgrade: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research.

Milićević, M. (2021). Exploring participation in family activities among Serbian children with cerebral palsy and children with typical development: diversity, frequency, children’s presence, and engagement. Disability and rehabilitation, 44(9), 1583–1594.

Milićević, M. (2020). Home participation of children with and without cerebral palsy in Serbia: an exploratory study. Disability and rehabilitation, 42(25), 3696–3706.

Milićević, M. (2020). Community participation of children with cerebral palsy in Serbia: conceptual considerations and evaluation. Belgrade, Serbia: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research.

Milićević, M. (2020). The research priorities in disability studies related to COVID-19. Beogradska defektološka škola, 26(1), 9−28.
Marina Matić Bošković PhD

Senior Research Fellow


Marina Matić Bošković was born in 1977 and graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade in 2001. She completed her specialist studies in European law, jointly organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Novi Sad and the German DAAD, in 2002. She received her master's degree at the Faculty of Law of the University of Novi Sad in 2007, defending with honors her master's thesis "Harmonization and unification of contract law in the European Union". She defended her doctoral thesis entitled "European criminal law mechanisms and their influence on national legislation" with honors in 2016 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade.

In the period from 2004-2011 and from 2018 until today, she was employed at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research, first as a researcher trainee and associate, from 2018 as a research fellow, and from 2022 as a senior research fellow. From 2011 to 2018, she worked at the Institute of Comparative Law as a research associate and research fellow.

In parallel with scientific research work, she was engaged as a consultant on numerous projects in the field of rule of law. She was a member of the working group for the development of the National Judicial Reform Strategy for the period 2013-2018, as well as the coordinator of the preparation of the accompanying Action Plan in the area of independence of the judiciary. As a consultant of the OSCE Mission, she was engaged in the development of the Financial Crime Investigation Strategy for the period 2015-2016. During 2022, she was engaged as an EU expert to develop the Action Plan of the Judicial Development Strategy for the period 2022-2025, and Anti-corruption Strategy for period 2024-2028. She was engaged in the drafting of the new set of judicial laws from 2023, as well as bylaws regulating the work of the High Prosecutorial Council. In addition, she was also a lecturer at trainings organized by the Judicial Academy and the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA). Furthermore, she is engaged as a judicial reform adviser at the World Bank for the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries.

She is the president of the Program Council of the Prosecutors Association of Serbia and a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Prosecutor's Word" published by the Association. Since 2015 she is a member of the IAP Committee of Forum for Associations of Prosecutors.

Her areas of interest are European Union law, criminal law, international criminal law and judicial organizational law. She is a member of the editorial board of several international journals: EUWEB Legal Essays – Global & Legal Perspectives, KORE Europa Rivista and Revista Electronica Iberoamericana.

So far, she has published three books - Public Prosecution in Serbia: Historical Development, International Standards, Comparative Models and Challenges of Modern Society (with G. Ilić, 2019), EU Criminal Procedural Law (2022) and Public procurement: an analysis of the regulatory frameworks in selected Western Balkan countries (2022).

She speaks English and has basic knowledge of Russian.

Selected Bibliography

Matić Bošković, M., Kolaković-Bojović, M., (2022) New Approach to the EU Enlargement Process – Whether COVID-19 affected Chapter 23 Requirements?, EU and Comparative Law issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC): The Recovery of the EU and Strengthening the Ability to Respond to New Challenges – Legal and Economic Aspects, Vol. 6, Faculty of Law, University of Osijek, Osijek, pp. 330-350

Matić Bošković, M., Kostić, J. (2021). Financial accountability and transparency of public sector institution in the Republic of Serbia, In: Mikuli, P., Kuca, G., (ed.). Accountability and the Law – Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power, Routledge, (pp. 46-59), ISBN 978-80-367767-33-4

Matić Bošković, M. (2020). Human dignity in criminal proceedings – interpretation of the European Court of Human Rights, In: Z. Pavlović (ed.) The Right to Human Dignity, Yearbook Human Rights Protection, No. 3, Provincial Protector of Citizens & Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Novi Sad, (pp. 61-75), ISBN 978-86-80756-36-1 (IKSI)

Matić Bošković, M. (2020). EU Court of Justice role in establishment of EU judicial standards, EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC), Vol. 4, EU 2020 - Lessons from the past and solutions for the future, 329-351, ISSN 2459-9425

Matić Bošković M., (2018): Оduzimanje imovinske koristi proistekle iz krivičnog dela – uporednopravna rešenja i iskustva Srbije, Finansijski kriminalitet (ur. Kostić J., Stevanović A.), str. 175-189. (ISBN 987-86-80186-39-9)

Matić Bošković M., Nenadić S. (2018): Evropski standardi u oblasti pravosuđa, Strani pravni život, br. 1, str. 39-56. (ISBN 978-86-80186-30-6)

Matić Bošković M., (2017): Tužilački saveti i garancija tužilačke autonomije u državama Zapadnog Balkana, Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, vol. 65, br. 1, str. 169-186;

Matić Bošković M., Nenadić S. (2017): Integritet sudija i tužilaca, Pravni život br. 10, tom II, str. 5-18. (ISSN 0350-0500)

Matić Bošković M., (2017):Vetting of judiciary in transitional countries – successful tool or entry point for political influence, Foregin Law Life, no. 4/2017, p. 137-155. (ISSN 0039-2138)

Matić Bošković M., et al. (2016), Improving Commercial Cases Managment in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Feasibility Study, Washington DC, the World Bank Group
Anđela Đukanović PhD

Research Fellow


Anđela Đukanović was born in Belgrade in 1981. In 2004, she completed her studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. In 2009, she concluded post-graduate studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law's Department of International Law. Her M.A. thesis was titled “Prohibition of Retroactive Effect of Criminal Law in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights”. In 2016, She defended her PhD thesis with distinction at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, entitled “European Standards in Biomedicine – Right to Integrity of the Person”, at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law.

She has been employed at the Institute for International Politics and Economics since 2011, first as a Research Assistant, and subsequently as a Research Associate. From 2016 to 2021, she was employed as a Research Fellow. She has been employed as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research since 2021.

Her primary academic interests include International human rights law, especially European standards and practice, and Serbian criminal law compliance with international human rights standards. She has authored a series of articles on these subjects and two books. In 2022, she was involved in the “Combating Hate Crime in Serbia” project of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and in 2023, she was involved in the “Research study of the Constitutional Court of Serbia's work on individual appeals in cases concerning criminal justice” project of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

Selected Bibliography

Stojanović A. (2011): Načelo određenosti krivičnog zakona (lex certa) u praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, br. 1/2011, str. 455-468, ISSN: 0550-2179, UDK: 342.7:343(4).

Đukanović A. (2013): Zaštita ljudskih prava tražilaca azila i ilegalnih migranata – praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, Međunarodni problemi, vol. LXV, br. 4, str. 481-510, ISSN 0025-8555, UDC 341.43:341.645.5

Đukanović A. (2018): Izvršenje presuda Evropskog suda za ljudska prava: aktuelna pitanja, Međunarodni problemi, vol. LXX, br. 2, str. 208 – 230, ISSN 0025-8555, UDC: 347.952:341.645.2(4-672EU), doi:

Đukanović A. (2019): Izbor pola budućeg deteta iz nemedicinskih razloga u svetlu zaštite ljudskih prava, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, vol. LII, br. 2, str. 593 - 613, ISSN: 0550-2179, UDC: 57.089.3:342.7, doi: 10.5937/zrpfns53-21383

Đukanović A (2019): New Eugenics In Light of International Human Rights Protection, The Review of International Affairs, Vol. LXX, No. 1175, pp. 5 - 22, ISSN 0486-6096, UDC: 613.94:341.231.14
MA Andrej Kubiček

Research Associate


Andrej Kubiček was born on May 14th, 1987 in Belgrade, where he finished elementary school, gymnasium and studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology. He earned bachelor's degree in 2011 and master's degree in 2013, after which he enrolled in PhD studies at the same faculty. The topic of his BA thesis was violent interethnic conflicts in Jabuka near Pančevo, while the MA thesis included practical application of discourse analysis concerning narratives about European Union. The main topic of his PhD dissertation under the mentorship of Dr. Jovo Bakic is racism towards Roma people.

Andrej began to gain the first research experience in numerous field studies as a student of bachelor studies, which he continued to this date. Andrej's special themes of interest are social conflicts, marginalized groups, racism and discourse analysis. So far, he has published nine papers concerning these and related fields and participated at several scientific conferences and scientific meetings in Serbia and abroad.

In the period from 2015 to 2017, Andrej was engaged at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade, as a teaching assistant on the subject Language and Society: an introduction to sociolinguistics and from 2018 at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research as a research assistant.

During the master studies Andrej was awarded the scholarship of the Youth Talent Fund "Dositeja" for his achieved success and high marks.

He speaks English, and can use Russian and Czech.

Selected Bibliography

Kubiček, Andrej (2014): »Discourses about Roma people in the daily press« in: Uloga medija u normalizaciji odnosa na Zapadnom Balkanu, ed. Dubravka Nedeljković Valić, Srđan Sremac, Nikola Knežević i Dinko Gruhonjić, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad.

Kubiček, Andrej (2017): »Discourse as a field of asymmetric conflicts« in: Impact of changes in Operational Environment on Preparation and Execution (Design) of Operations, ed. Janjić, Goran, Media Center "Odbrana", Beograd.

Kubiček, Andrej (2017): »Migration of "Pariah People":The Case Study of Roma in the Balkans«, ed: Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration, Bobić, Mirjana i Janković, Stefan, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade.

Kubiček, Andrej (2018): »Roma nation: escaping pariah people's stigma?« , in: Politics of Enmity, ed. Pudar Draško, Gazela; Pavić, Aleksandar i Meka, Eltion, IFDT, Belgrade.

Kubiček, Andrej (2018): »Civilized society or society of civilians?« in: Asymmetry and Strategy: thematic collection of papers, ed. Stanislav Stojanović, Strategic Research Institute & National Defence School: Media Center "Odbrana", Beograd.
Ana Paraušić Marinković PhD

Research Fellow


Ana Paraušić Marinković was born on July 16th 1991 in Belgrade, where she completed primary education and Third Belgrade High School. She completed undergraduate and master studies at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies. In 2024 she obtained her PhD degree at the same faculty with thesis “Local government as the provider of urban security: a case study of the City of Belgrade” (mentor: professor Milan Lipovac, PhD).

Between March and September 2015, she participated in the internship program of the United Nations Development Program. She was a demonstrator in class at the department for social studies and humanities of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies in 2015/16., 2016/17. and 2019/20 for subjects Methodology of scientific research and Social pathology. As a research assistant, she was engaged at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies between 2017 and 2018. Since February 2019, she has been employed as a research assistant and after that as a research fellow at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade. She obtained the title of Research Fellow in September 2024.

As an expert and researcher, she participated in scientific research projects supported and organised by OSCE, Council of Europe, European Commission, UNDP, UN WOMEN at national and international level. She is the author and co-author of more than 50 publications (papers published in national and international scientific journals, presentations at national and international scientific conferences, expert publications and public policy documents) in the area of urban security, methodology of security studies research, risky behaviour of youth and safety at schools.

From the end of 2019, she is the Secretary of the Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law, published by the Institute. Throughout her studies, she was the scholarship holder of Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. She is the member of alumni of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (generation 2017/2018).

Selected Bibliography

Paraušič, A. & Stojanović, F. (2017). Geopolitical elements in strategic documents in the field od security and defense of the Republic of Serbia. Vojno delo, 7/2017, pp. 87-99.

Paraušič, A. & Stekić, N. (2017). Nature of Political Regime as a Civil War Outbreak Risk Factor. Political Review, 50(1), pp. 223-242.

Paraušič, A. (2017). Prevalence of Peer Bullying Related to Migrant Status: the Case of Nordic Countries. Faculty of Security Studies Annual 2017, pp. 211-235.

Đurić, S., Popović Ćitić, B. & Paraušić, A. (2018). Video Surveillance Application in Enhancing School Security, General Principles and Experiences. In: M. Lipovac, S. Stanarević & Ž. Kešetović (Eds.) Security in Educational Institutions and Video Surveillance, pp. 44-60. Belgrade: Faculty of Security Studies

Dimitrijević, I.R. i Paraušić, A. (2017). Catalogue of Security Related Databases. Belgrade: Faculty of Security Studies, Centre for Applied Security
MA Nikola Drndarević

Research Associate


Nikola Drndarević was born in Kraljevo and finished elementary school and Gymnasium in Vrnjačka Banja. He graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. He holds a master’s degree in I/O Psychology. Following the master studies, he enrolled into the PhD studies at the same faculty.

Practical work in clinical and I/O Psychology holds a prominent place in his professional development. He volunteered at the Neurology Clinic, Clinical Center of Serbia, training for neuropsychological assessment. His work in a private hospital BelMedic as a psychologist was met with various patient pathologies. Having finished the introductory, he enrolled in an advanced course in Constructivist Psychotherapy.

Nikola has published several scientific papers in both domestic and international journals in domains of I/O and social psychology. He also participated and presented in a XXV international conference of empirical studies in psychology 2019.

Special interests revolve around youth delinquency and depression. During his studies he has been a holder of the scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science. He is fluent in English language.

Selected Bibliography

Drndarević, N. & Čizmić, S. (2019). The Relationship between Website Design and Purchase Intention in Online Shopping: the Mediating Role of Trust and Irritation. XXV International Scientific Conference ,,Empirical Studies in Psychology“ (p. 86). Belgrade, Serbia: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.

Ćirić, J. & Drndarević, N. (2019). Migrations, Fear, Prejudice and Manipulation. Journal of Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research No. 2/2019.
Sanja Petkovska PhD

Research Fellow


Sanja Petkovska was born in 1982 in Lazarevac, Serbia. She was PhD awarded by the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade in 2017. She started to work at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in December 2022, the title of Research Fellow has been assigned to her at the same time.

Her research focus includes: sociology of education, civil society, critical social theory, social pathology and criminology, as well as qualitative methodology.

Sanja has been awarded the following official recognitions: A scholarship from the Funds for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia for graduating students in 2006, a Scholarship from the Municipality of Lazarevac for the best students of the city (3 years), and an Award for the best-graduating students of the Faculty of Philosophy in 2007, a PhD scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development (4 years), Erasmus Mundus PhD exchange scholarship, Tuition fee for a PhD program by the Faculty of Political Sciences, and numerous small research and travel grants.

Selected Bibliography

Petkovska, S. (2022) „Decolonial Emancipation on the Postsocialist Peripheries and Future of Critical Pedagogy“. In: Liberating Education: What From, What For? pр. 167-184. Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory.

Petkovska, S. (2022) „Civic Education in Post-Conflict Societies: The Case of Serbia“. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, pp. 1-26.

Petkovska, S. (2010) “Questioning the idea of the university in the contemporary world”, In: Claes, T. and David S. P. (Eds.) Frontiers of Higher Education, Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, pp. 133– 148.
Violeta Tadić PhD

Research Fellow


Violeta Tadić, PhD is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade. She was born in 1995 in Loznica. She graduated and completed master studies at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade. In 2023, she successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "School climate and prosocial behavior as security factors in secondary schools" at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade.

She started her career at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade in 2023 as a Research Fellow. In 2020, she obtained the title of Junior Researcher at the Institute for Educational Research (IER) in Belgrade. During the summer semester of 2020/2021, she was engaged as a student assistant in the Social Psychology course at the Faculty of Security Studies.

Violeta Tadić, PhD, is the laureate of the annual “Zagorka Golubović” Award from the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, for the best engaged research work in 2023. During her doctoral studies she was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. She participated in the IER research project titled “Assumptions for the development of positive education in Serbia“, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation. She was part of the IER team for school support after May, 2023, which resulted in the publication of the manual "How to act in crisis situations - recommendations for the school community". She is one of the co-authors of this publication. In the 2016/2017 academic year, she was part of the research team within the Social Psychology course, for the purposes of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development project entitled "Security and protection of the organization and functioning of the educational system in the Republic of Serbia (basic precepts, principles, protocols, procedures and means)”. In 2018, she completed the course "Statistical processing and data analysis - SPSS", and she has significant experience in applying quantitative and qualitative statistical methods and conducting empirical research.

She is the author of the monograph "Student Behavior and School Safety", as well as numerous scientific papers published in national and international scientific journals and presented at scientific conferences. Her special interests are youth behavior problems, education and safety/security. She is fluent in English.

Selected Bibliography

Tadić, V. (2022). O pristupima definisanju i operacionalizaciji pojma bezbednosti u školi. Nastava i vaspitanje, 71(2), 249-266.

Kovačević Lepojević, M., Gutvajn, N., & Tadić, V. (2023). „Life Satisfaction and Positive Youth Development in Serbia“. Sociologija, 65(2), 217-232.

Tadić, V. (2019). Struktura emocionalne inteligencije studenata Fakulteta bezbednosti i Učiteljskog fakulteta. Godišnjak Fakulteta bezbednosti, 2019, 215-231.

Tadić, V., Kordić, B. (2022). Strategije prevladavanja stresa u vanrednim situacijama kod studenata. Civitas, 12(1), 74-95.

Gutvajn, N., Drobac, A., Đerić, I., Kovačević Lepojević M, Jošić, M., Micić, I., Radanović, A., Trajković, M., Tadić, V., Džinović, V., Ševkušić, S. (2023). Kako postupati u kriznim situacijama – preporuke za školsku zajednicu. Beograd: Institut za pedagoška istraživanja. ISBN 978-86-7447-164-7.
MA Aleksandar Stevanović

Research Associate


Aleksandar Stevanović LL.M is a lawyer and research- associate at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade, Serbia, born in 1993 in Belgrade. He has obtained LL.M. from the University of Belgrade where he is a Ph.D. candidate.

He has attended Comparative Law study program at the University of Salzburg, Austria and has conducted study visit to Italian anti-corruption institutions as a member of OSCE mission in Serbia delegation.

During his professional career he has published more than 30 scientific papers in the country and abroad, and co-edited several scientific monographs. His research focuses on legal mechanisms for combating corruption, freedom of expression, legal aspects of political speech and lobbyng, and ECHR jurisprudence related to freedom of expression, normative and criminological aspects of organized crime and environmental crime.

He is fluent in English and speaks German too.

Selected Bibliography

Stevanović, A. (2018). Značaj povezivanja organizovanih kriminalnih struktura i političke elite, Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, br. 1 XXXVII/2018, str. 115-129.

Stevanović, A. (2019). Lobbying and Corruption: comparative legal analysis of two notions, Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law No. 1/2019. str 110-120.

Ignjatović, Đ., Stevanović. A. (ur.) (2018). „Organizovani kriminalitet – izbor tekstova“, Dosije, Beograd: Dosije.

Ignjatović, Đ., Stevanović. A. (ur.) (2019). „Organizovani kriminalitet – izbor tekstova II“, Beograd: Dosije.

Stevanović, A, Cvetković, D. (2019). Pojam i karakteristike privrednog kriminaliteta, Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 1/2019, str. 45-62.
MA Svetlana Pavlović

Research Assistant


Svetlana Pavlović was born on January 3, 1996 in Užice. She graduated in Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Also, she holds master’s degree in Psychology at Faculty of Philosophy. Svetlana enrolled into the PhD studies at the same faculty in the academic year 2022/23 and has been employed at the Institute since 2023. She completed several trainings for working with children and youth. She is attending an introductory course in Systemic Family Therapy.

During her undergraduate and master's studies, she has engaged as a at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation and at the Faculty of Security, as well a teaching associate at the Teacher Education Faculty in Belgrade. At the Petnica Science Center, she led the Psychology programs and the Summer Science School. She is currently engaged at Petnica as a associate lecturer and a member of the Psychology Seminar Program Committee. During her studies, she did professional practice at the National Criminal Technical Center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia. She has worked in institutions for the protection and care of children and youth from vulnerable groups, providing professional support for their educational and developmental needs. She was hired as a final exam evaluator for the State Matura pilot project, as well as a researcher on the project Investigating adverse chidlhood experiences among residents of informal settlements in Serbia. On several research projects of UNICEF and the Council of Europe, she worked as an external associate.

Together with her colleagues, she has published several papers in domestic and international scientific journals, and she has presented her researches at numerous scientific conferences. Her research interests are primarily focused on psychology of individual differences, developmental psychology, and mental health of youth. As part of her doctoral dissertation, she is investigating emotional processes in juvenile delinquents.

Selected Bibliography

Radanović, A., Micić, I., Pavlović, S., & Krstic, K. (2021). Don't Think That Kids Aren't Noticing: Indirect pathways to children's fear of COVID-19. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 531.

Radanović, A., Micić, I., Pavlović, S., & Krstić, K. (2021). Pandemic parenting: Predictors of quality of parental pandemic practices during COVID-19 lockdown in Serbia. Psihologija, 54(3), 323-345.

Cupać, Đ., Micić, I., Mijatović, N., Pavlović, S., & Stekić, K. (2019). Razvoj i validacija Multifacetnog inventara za samoprocenu psihopatije. Psihološka istraživanja, 22(1), 153-184.

Međedović, J., Romić, E., Batinić, N., Filipović, O., Bašić, Ð., Pavlović, S., ... & Cupać, Ð. (2019). Further development of the short psychopathy rating scale.

Pavlović, S. & Međedović J. (2022). Psychopathy traits in parents, evolutionary fitness, and reproductive motivation in their offspring. Presented at XXIII Psychology days in Zadar
MA Teodora Gojković

Research Assistant


MA Teodora Gojković was born on May 16, 1999, in Belgrade, where she completed her primary education and the Fifteenth Belgrade High School. She completed her undergraduate studies in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, in 2021 as the top student of her generation, with an average grade of 9.77. She completed her Master's degree in Sociology in 2022, with an average grade of 10.00, defending her thesis on the topic "Religion and Mental Health in the Time of the Pandemic – Adaptation of Religious Doctrine and Practice Among Muslim and Orthodox Believers in Belgrade". She is currently in her third year of doctoral studies in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.

Since 2023, she has been employed as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research. Her primary research areas are the Sociology of mental disorders, Sociology of social deviations, and Sociology of religion, in which she has independently and collaboratively authored several papers published in domestic scientific journals.

During her undergraduate and Master's studies, she was a scholarship recipient from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Fund for Young Talents of the Ministry of Youth and Sports – the "Dositeja" award, which is given to the best students in their final years of undergraduate and Master's studies. With her final Master's thesis, she applied for the "Dr. Zoran Đinđić" award for the best graduation thesis, final paper in Master's academic studies, or Master's thesis in philosophical and sociological sciences in 2022, and she reached the shortlist.

From April to May 2022, she participated in the X round of the European Social Survey as a fieldworker, for which she received a certificate from the National Team of the European Social Survey in Serbia. In 2023, she was engaged as a teaching demonstrator in the Sociology Department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, teaching the subjects Sociology of Rural Development and Urban Sociology, and in 2024, she will be teaching Sociology of Rural Development and Sociological Practicum.

Since 2024, she has been a member of the Sociological Scientific Society of Serbia.

Selected Bibliography

Gojković, T. (2023). Religion and Mental Health During the Pandemic: Adaptation of the Religious Doctrine and Practice of Muslim and Orthodox Believers in Belgrade. In: The 8th Annual International Conference - Religious Education and Religiosity of Young People (Srebrno jezero, 8-9 September 2023): book of abstracts. Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, 59-60.

Gojković, T. (2023). Stigmatization and Suicidal Behavior Among the Elderly Population in Serbia. In: Elderly People and Discrimination: Prevention and Reaction. Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade; Vojvodina Bar Association, Novi Sad, 705-722.

Gojković, T. (2023). Teorijski osvrt na neke savremene debate u protestantskoj teologiji: Vladan Perišić, "Laste trećega jata: Ogledi o protestantskoj teologiji". Religija i tolerancija, XXI (39), 177-182.
MA Maša Marković

Research Assistant


Maša Marković, a research assistant, was born on March 12, 1999, in Kragujevac, where she completed her primary education and graduated from the First Gymnasium. In 2018, she enrolled in undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, and graduated on September 16, 2022, with an average grade of 9.70. She continued her studies at the same institution, completing her master's degree in the Criminal Law module, specializing in Juvenile Criminal Law, on October 5, 2023, with an average grade of 10.00. In the 2023/2024 academic year, she began her doctoral studies in Criminal Law Sciences at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.

Beginning in January 2024, as a recipient of the Young Talents Fund scholarship through the "Talents in the Public Sector" program, she started an internship at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research. In June 2024, she commenced her employment there as a research assistant. Her academic research focuses on criminal law, with an emphasis on criminal justice responses to juvenile delinquency, as well as topics in criminology and penology.

In addition to receiving commendations from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, for her academic achievements during all four years of undergraduate study, as well as scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the "Dositeja" Young Talents Fund, she was awarded by the Section of Criminology of the Serbian Society for Criminal Law Theory and Practice for her paper titled "Imprisonment in the 21st century".

Alongside her studies, Maša acquired practical experience. As a representative of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, in 2022, she completed an internship in the Legislative Department of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. In 2023, she was part of the Security Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Additionally, she gained practical experience in criminal law as a judicial intern at the Higher Court. In 2024, she became a teaching associate at the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, in the subjects of Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology.

Selected Bibliography

Dear colleagues who left us too early

Marina Hughson PhD

Principle Research Fellow

Selected Bibliography
Boban Petrović PhD

Research Fellow


Boban Petrovic was born in 1978 and passed away on 28.03.2019. He was born in Surdulica, where he finished elementary school and gymnasium. He graduated in 2005, on Department for Psychology on Faculty of Philosophy of Belgrade University. He finished master studies in 2008 on the same Faculty. In the same year he started PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Goran Knezevic, and currently hi is in the final year of studies.

His research interests are predominantly focused on the issues of individual differences in human behavior, especially personality and social attitudes, but also on the issues of social inclusion. He investigates the psychological determinants of amoral and antisocial behavior, but also the psychological basis of inter-group conflict and reconciliation.

Since March 2012, he has been working at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade, on the project Crime in Serbia: phenomenology, risks and opportunities of social intervention, as a research assistant. He is included in several national and international research projects, of which the most important are: Relationship between personality and schizotipy – metaanalysis (from 2011-), Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Sample and Setting (from 2014) and COST actions ISCH IS1106 - Offender supervision in Europe i ISCH 1107 - European Network of Conflict research (from 2013).

For more than ten years, he has been active in the NGO sector, dealing primarily with issues of social inclusion and development of social support services for people with disabilities and other socially excluded groups. He was hired as expert for issue of social inclusion by the Delegation of European Union to the Republic of Serbia, on the program Improving rights, employment and living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons in Serbia. He has collaborated with the Institute for Social Protection, Belgrade, on the project Support to the establishment of services for children with disabilities and the development of indicators of social protection.

From 2009 to 2011, he worked as teaching assistant in the scientific field Research and measurement in psychology, at the Faculty of Applied Psychology, Belgrade. He is a member of Association for Psychological Science. He published 8 papers in international journals (M20), 7 articles in the national journals (M50), one paper in the category M40, 4 papers in the category M63, 17 abstracts at international conferences - M30 and 38 at national conferences - M64

Selected Bibliography

Petrovic, B., Medjedovic, J., Savic, M., & Zeleskov-Djoric, J. (2014). Predicting multiple criteria of criminal behavior with HEXACO domains and facets. Personality and Individual Differences, 60, S40.

Petrovic, B., Medjedovic, J., Zeleskov-Djoric, J., Savic, M., Lazarević, Lj. & Knežević, G. (2014). Individual differences in implicit affective associations to violence in prisoners. Paper presented on 17th European Conference of Personality, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Perović, A., Vuksanović, J., Petrović, B. & Avramovic-Ilic, I. (2014). The acquisition of passive in Serbian. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35(01), 1-26.

Petrović, B., Međedović, J. & Kujačić, D. (2014). Tipovi ličnosti u prostoru amorala i šizotipije: empirijska evidencija sa osuđeničkog i uzorka iz opšte populacije [Personality types in the space of amoral and schizotypy: empirical evidence from convicts' and the general population samples]. Zbornik instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja.

Međedović, J., & Petrović, B. D. (2013). Predictors of party evaluation in post-conflict society: The case of Serbia. Psihologija, 46(1), 27-43.

Petrović, B., & Međedović, J. (2012). Alternativni pogledi na psihopatiju: od patologije do adaptivne životne strategije [Alternative views on psychopathy: From pathology to adaptive life strategy]. Zbornik instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 31(1), 19-48.

Petrović, B., & Međedović, J. (2012). Personality roots of militant extremism. Paper presented on the international conference ''XVIII Psychology days in Zadar''. University of Zadar, Croatia.

Međedović, J., & Petrović, B. (2011). Personality traits, social attitudes and Ethos of conflict as predictors of party affiliation in Serbia. Paper presented on XII European Congress of psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.