Institute of Criminological
and Sociological Research

Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est...

Second Roundtable: "Moral and Social Climate in Prisons: Challenges and Improvements", Belgrade, 09.12.2024.

International Scientific Conference "Life in Prison: Criminological, Penological, Psychological, Sociological, Legal, Security, and Medical Topics", Belgrade, 2-3.12.2024.

International scientific conference "Penal populism and impact on the work of institutions", Belgrade, 22.11.2024.

International scientific thematic conference "Critical Perspectives on Emerging Forms of Global Solidarities", Belgrade, 08.11.2024.

International scientific thematic conference „The Right to Life and Body Integrity“, Novi Sad, 24-25.10.2024.

Photos 1-10 are the courtesy of the official website of the City of Novi Sad.

Presentation of PrisonLIFE project and Institute's publications at 67th International Book Fair, Belgrade, Beograd, 23.10.2024.

Photography exhibition “PrisonLIFE” by Ana Batrićević and Nikola Drndarević - Belgrade, 02.10.2024.

Photographer: Duško Vukić

International Scientific Thematic Conference "The Position of Victims in the Republic of Serbia" - Palić, 12-13.06 2024.

The final international conference under the Jean Monnet Programme at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade, 30.05.2024.

The promotion of the book " Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology and Psychopathy " by Janko Međedović, Belgrade, 21.03.2024.

The promotion of the book "Hate Crimes in the Republic of Serbia" by Milica Kolaković-Bojović, PhD, and Anđela Đukanović, PhD, Belgrade, 06.02.2024.

Promotion of the collection "Decolonial Politics in European Peripheries: Redefining Progressiveness, Coloniality and Transition Efforts" London: Routledge (2023), Belgrade, 22.01.2024.

National Scientific Conference "Convict Population: New Perspectives", Belgrade, 04.12.2023.

Roundtable 'Quality of Prison Life in Serbia: State and Perspectives', Belgrade, 29-30.11.2023.

VIII International Scientific Conference Media, Penal Law and Judiciary, Belgrade, 24.11.2023.

Lecture on International and European legal cooperation in criminal matters in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the University of Salerno

Agreement on cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Salerno, Belgrade, 14.11.2023.

International Scientific Thematic Conference "Elderly People and Discrimination: Prevention and Reaction", Novi Sad, 26-27.10.2023.

Cooperation Agreement with Faculty of Law of University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, Belgrade, 16.10.2023.

The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances adopted its 1st General Comment on Enforced Disappearances in the Context of Migration, Geneva, 28.09.2023.

International scientific thematic conference “Traffic, Criminality and Urban safety” - Palić, 14-15.06.2023.

Milica Kolaković-Bojović, PhD at the 24th session of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances

Successful completion of project on combating of hate crimes

International Scientific Conference "Digitization in Criminal Law and Justice", Belgrade, 25.11.2022.

International Scientific Thematic Conference "Human Rights Protection: from Childhood to the Right to a Dignified Old Age - Human Rights and Institutions", Novi Sad, 27-28.10.2022.

Impact assessment of the application of alternative sanctions and measures was presented at the LXI regular annual meeting of the Association, Zlatibor, 22.-24.09.2022.

XXXIII International Scientific Conference "Children and the challenges of the digital environment", Palić, 16.06-17.06.2022.

Conference “Hate Speech“ Organised by the Protector of Citizens – Ombudsman and the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Subotica 04.05.2022.

The photographs from this eventn have been taken from website

Thematic Scientific Conference "Institutions and corruption", Belgrade, 03.12.2021.

Photography Exhibition "Closeness of Freedom" by Ana Batrićević, Belgrade, 25.11.2021.

60 Years of Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research and Serbian Association for Criminal Law Theory and Practice, Belgrade, 05.11.2021.

International Scientific-Expert Conference "Right to Life", Novi Sad, 28-29.10.2021.

XXXII International Scientific Conference "Drugs and Drug Addiction: Legal, Criminological, Sociological and Medical Issues", Palić between the 30th of September and 1st of October, 2021.

Memorandum on cooperation between the Institute and the Forum of Judges of Serbia, 25.08.2021.

Memorandum on scientific-educational and expert cooperation with the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 02.12.2020.

International Scientific-Expert Conference "The Right to Human Dignity", 30.10.2020.

Scientific Conference "The Role of Society in Combating Corruption, Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, 08.10.2020.

Horticulture as support to re-socialization – visit of the Institute to 25th International Horticulture Fair “Garden in the Heart of the City”, 17-20.06.2020.

Presentation of Book "Second Chance" and Photography Exhibition "Freedom inside the Circle", 18.12.2019.

Presentation of Book by Professor Zoran S. Pavlović, PhD - Victimisation throughout Life Cycles, 13.11.2019.

Institute is a part of documentary about the programme of prisoners' work with horses at Correctional Institution in Sremska Mitrovica, Sremska Mitrovica, 31.10.2019.

International scientific conference "Protection of the Rights of the Child (30 Years after the Adoption of the Convention of the Rights of the Child)", Novi Sad, 29-30-10.2019.

Publications of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research at 64th International Book Fair in Belgrade, 20-27.10.2019.

Scientific Conference "Financial Crime and Corruption", Vršac, 18-19.10.2019.

Milica Kolaković-Bojović, PhD elected Vice President of UN Committee on Enforced Disappearance, Geneva, 02.10.2019.

XXXI International Scientific Conference "Penal Law and Medicine", Palić, 29-30.05.2019.

International scientific conference "Protection of Human Rights: from Illegality to Legality", Novi Sad, 30-31. 10.2018.

Presentation of the book Organization of the judiciary - reform framework and EU standards, by Asst. Prof. Milica Kolaković-Bojović, PhD, Belgrade 25.10.2018.

Opening of Photography Exhibition "Second Chance" by Ana Batrićević, PhD, Belgrade, 15.10.2018.

Scientific Conference "Financial Crime", Zrenjanin, 07-08.09.2018.

Presentation of Innovative Programme of Resocialisation of Convicted Persons, Correctional Institution in Sremska Mitrovica, 22.06.2018.

XXX International Scientific Thematic Conference "Child Friendly Justice" organised by the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Palić, 06-07.06.2018.

Lecture by Milica Kolaković-Bojović, PhD "Constitutional Changes Toward Better Judiciary" at the Faculty of Law - University of Kragujevac, 13.03.2018.

Regional Scientific Conference "Free Legal Aid- Ratio legis, the scope and conditions of the application", Silver Lake, 14-15.12.2017.

International Scientific Conference "Freedom, Security: Right to Privacy", Novi Sad, 16-17.11.2017.

Scientific Conference "Economic Criminal Offences", Vršac, 23-24.10.2017.

Presentation of book Psychiatric Expertise in Judicial Procedure, written by Professor Ratko Kovačević, PhD, 03.10.2017.

57th Annual Conference of Serbian Association for Criminal Law & Practice "Reform Processes and Chapter 23 (One Year Later) - Criminal Legal Aspect", Zlatibor, 21-23.09.2017.

XXIX International Scientific Conference "Judiciary and Media", organized by the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Palić, 08-09.06.2017.

A round table: The Conditional Release - The jurisprudence and the latest amendments to the Criminal Code in Belgrade 09.12.2016.

Promotion of book "Migranti na raskršću ili bespuću zemlje Srbije" at 61st International Book Fair in Belgrade, 25.10.2016.

XXVIII International Scientific Conference "Criminal and Administrative Sanctions and Measures: Imposing, Enforcement and Conditional Release", organized by the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Palić, 02-03.06.2016.

Promotion of editions of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research at Book Fair, Belgrade, 31.10.2015.

XXVII Thematic Scientific Conference "Juveniles as Perpetrators of Criminal Offences and Misdemeanors" organized by the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Palić, 10-11.06.2015.

Presentation of book "Juveniles as Perpetrators of Criminal Offences and Misdemeanors" at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade, 08.06.2015.

Presentation of publication "Towards Child-Friendly Justice-Protection of Child Victims In Criminal Proceedings and Position of the Practice in the Republic of Serbia" at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade, 28.04.2015.
